a. Plant a Garden
b. Eat the vegetables you grow in your garden
There you have it, lots of exercise and a good healthy diet! Oh, and don't forget to also:
c. Drink lots of water
d. Get plenty of sleep
The best part of this plan is that I'm actually doing it. I'll share some pictures for proof.
Ok, I'm not making the kids do all the work! But they are very willing helpers and ask to help. Brittany says she just likes the sound the hoe makes as it hits the dirt. She's my country girl!
Lol! Please don't laugh at me! It's hard work! The ground is hard and has quite a few rocks in it, but I like it. I really do! I enjoy being outdoors and working in the dirt.
Here's one for all you cat lovers. This is our cat, Pearlie. :)
Today was such a lovely day and to be outside working up the dirt was a great way to enjoy it. I'm happy with how much we got done but there's definitely still plenty of "exercise" left for us to enjoy in the days to come.
Happy Gardening ya'll! (And remember, stay fit and eat your own homegrown veggies!)
~ Rachel ;)
(Disclaimer: This blog is in no way intended to be taken seriously or used for an actual fitness plan. It was created simply from the humor found resting in the author's cranium. BUT, gardening is a very enjoyable activity.)
There's always yoga. Its low impact, and calming and can be done in fifteen or twenty minutes in the morning or evening. Grab yourself a video or two to help you learn and establish your own routine.